Third Annual Future of Transportation and Mobility Series Event

Supply Chain: Autonomous Goods and Services Movement

Dates: March 2-4, 2021 || Location: Virtual


Municipal Readiness for Connected / Autonomous Technologies

The future of autonomous vehicle technology and robotic devices promises to disrupt everything from parking and snow removal to ride-hailing and sidewalk deliveries. Regulations, policies and infrastructure will either become barriers or clear paths for new technology. March 4, featured experts who explored how municipalities and innovators in goods movement are preparing for the first autonomous migration.

Keynote: Autonomous Vehicles - Are we Ready?

AV’s are coming and will have a disruptive impact. Whether that impact is positive or negative is dependent on our ability to think about and plan how best to leverage this technology to best shape our cities of the future and meet societal needs. It will require an alignment of private sector initiatives with public sector goals. To help promote discussion in this area, this presentation builds on recent experiences of major Canadian cities in planning its transportation systems for the future, including what automated good and service opportunities can support strong and vibrant 15-minute cities (equity, accessibility/choice), the potentially unintended consequences if we don’t plan ahead, and what strategies we can take now to best prepare for a future with such large uncertainty.

Deepak Darda, Global Director, Innovation, IBI Group

Bruce Mori, Director, Sr. Practice Lead, Transportation Planning, IBI Group

Presentation: Gearing Up For Autonomy - We're Closer Than You Think

As sensor technology is integrated into Logistics and Smart City environments for asset tracking and data acquisition, it lays the groundwork to advance autonomous technology with a larger fail-safe sensor system that aid the vehicles in complex environments.

Jason Lee, Founder & CEO, Smartcone Technologies

Panel: Standards, Technologies and Policies Necessary for Municipal Readiness

Many governments are currently developing readiness plans to accommodate the rapid advancements of connected and autonomous vehicle technologies. With the goods movement sector poised for the first phases of adoption, municipal policies, regulations, and infrastructure — including hardware and software — are critical to supporting innovation in this sector. Hear from our panel of speakers who will share their views on different aspects of affecting the future of goods movement.


  • Dan Ruby, Sector Manager, Automotive and Mobility, Ontario Centre of Innovation


  • Bern Grush, Co-founder & Chief Innovation Officer, Harmonize Mobility
  • Scott Butler, Executive Director, Ontario Good Roads Association
  • Jamie Austin, Deputy General Manager, Business Services, Durham Region Transit
  • Michael Polowin, Partner, Gowling WLG